Soul Compass

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest is a journey seeking wisdom, spirituality and guidance bestowing meaning to our lives.  This Quest may introduce us to our Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and those who have crossed over, who teach us and help us stay on our Soul’s intended path.  There are many different pathways, techniques and instruments to aid you in your Spirit Quest.

I prefer the Native American of finding your path. For centuries, native tribes have sent their young men and women to sacred places, usually a mountain top to pray, fast and ask for a vision from the Great Spirit, Spirit guides or Spirit animals. The vision will guide the seeker as to what path their lives should take.

How do you start your quest? Ask for a vision. Look and listen for the signs. You are asking for answers in how to live your life. Listen to your heart, inner voice or higher self. Does it feel right? What do you want to do? Let your Spirit Guides and Angels shepherd you in the right direction. There are many paths and they will not choose for you, but if you ask for help, they will point you in the right direction. Don’t dismiss coincidences. How many coincidences do you need to happen before you see the truth? Pay close attention for the signs.

Think about your life and how far you have come. Your soul is on this earth to learn lessons it can’t learn in heaven. There is no pain, grief, hunger, suffering in heaven. We must learn these lessons on earth. Without sorrow, how would you appreciate happiness?

Start your quest by going to a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, listen to some gentle music, burn a candle or incense to help you stop thinking about everything else but the moment. Ask to meet your Spirit Guides and Angels. Ask them for help. Ask them for direction and for you to learn your life lessons in pleasure and beauty. Ask for signs. One of the directives that my Spirit guide gave me was to, “Help those who need help getting back on their path so they may continue their life lessons.”

Click below to learn how to create a Medicine pouch to increase spirituality, protection and sacred power. You can also learn about incense and other sacred items.

Animals & Medicine Pouch

Incense, Smudge & Prayer Feathers